Invited talks
The MISDOOM conference traditionally features invited speakers from both academia and journalism.

Edda Humprecht (University of Zürich, Switzerland)
Talk title: Unequal framework conditions? Promises and limitations of comparative international research on mis- and disinformation
Abstract: The current health crisis has highlighted the relevance of research on misinformation and disinformation. But although the so-called “infodemic” is global in nature, there is little international comparative research that could provide answers to why the distribution, content and producers of misinformation and disinformation vary from country to country. Are there different framework conditions, such as the political and media system, which foster the spread of disinformation?
Bio: Edda Humprecht is a Senior Research and Teaching Associate in the Department of Mass Communication and Media Research at the University of Zurich. In her research, she focuses on the content, use and effects of political communication, in particular, social media and digital media. Currently, she leads a project on online disinformation in comparative perspective.

Susan Banducci (University of Exeter, United Kingdom)
Talk title: What Can Misinformation Tell Us about Media Systems?
Abstract: Contemporary research has focused on misinformation as a global and technology-driven phenomenon. However, characteristics of national media systems and environments may also shape the spread of misinformation. I present findings from research over successive elections in the UK and cross-national data that examine the links between media systems, news consumption practices and the effects of misinformation. I discuss these findings in the context of public service media and partisan press.
Bio: Susan Banducci is a professor and director of the Exeter Q-Step Centre. Her research interests are in the areas of comparative political behaviour, media and political communication.

Coen van de Ven (De Groene Amsterdammer, Amsterdam)
Talk title: Unravelling ‘New Conspiracism’ on Instagram
Abstract: Two years ago, Dutch weekly De Groene Amsterdammer decided to unite with scientists and independent researcher-specialists in troll-behaviour to set up a series of investigations into how public debate online is being shaped and influenced by algorithms, disinformation campaigns and bots. In this talk, the focus is on how influencers on Instagram spread alternative corona-theories and what is their impact? Weeks of scraping and in-depth interviews led to a description of what ‘new conspiracy thinking’ looks like – and why it is so popular among young people on Instagram.
Bio: Coen van de Ven works for De Groene and is founder of Data & Debate,