Presenter, chair and host instructions

Instructions for presenters, session chairs and topical group hosts can be found below.

Presenter instructions

  • All presentations take place online using the webinar mode of the Kaltura Video Platform running at Leiden University (video in English).
    During each session, the chair and all speakers/panelists will remain “on stage” (their videos are visible even if their microphones are muted), while all other audience members will be only visible if the chair actively puts them on stage (e.g. to ask a question). We kindly ask presenters to keep your webcam on for the entire duration of the session, not just for your own presentation.
  • Links to each plenary part, topical group, or parallel session are on the symposium website under “Program“. Room passwords will be sent via email.
  • Presentations are 15 minutes in length, including a recommended 3-5 minutes for questions (Q&A). The chair will assist you in adequately keeping track of time.
  • Please be in de room 15 minutes before the session starts; there will be an assistant to help you (and give you the rights to) set up your slides. You can either share your screen (in most cases this is the preferred presentation mode) or upload your slides as PDF in Kaltura and present them from there.
  • If you are presenting in one of the morning parallel sessions, make sure you attend the topical group preceding your panel (starting 10.00am), where some time will be devoted to uploading presentations and testing the technical setup. For all other sessions, please make yourself known to the session chair by arriving in the room 20 minutes before the start of the session. 

Session chair instructions

  • Please arrive at sessions you are chairing at least 20 minutes before they start. For the morning parallel sessions this means that you join the topical group preceding your panel.
  • Please organize the speakers before the session starts:
    • check that all speakers are present and that you can pronounce their names
    • ask speakers to upload their slides to Kaltura (for this you need to assign them the appropriate rights at the top right participant window)
    • The live room is in the webinar mode; please put all speakers in the session LIVE/“on stage” (using the button in the participant list) for the entire duration of the session (they should turn on their sound and video fist; after they have been put LIVE they can mute their mics, see also the presenter instructions).
  • Session timing:
    • Please take control of the timing for each talk, making sure speakers start and end at the assigned time.
    • Consider using cue cards (which you’d have to make yourself in advance) to inform speakers of the number of minutes (e.g. 5, 2, or 1) they have remaining.
    • Given that attendees may want to switch between sessions, if a speaker does not show up, do not start the next presentation early; just take a break until the next speaker’s start time. You may of course also fill the free time with extra questions/discussion if possible.
    • If the speaker leaves enough time, please moderate a short Q&A after each talk (but do not go over their assigned time slot, remember each presenter has 15 minutes including 2-3 minutes discussion!)
  • Together with the student assistant or symposium organisers, attempt to resolve any issues as smoothly as possible.

Topical group host instructions

  • Please arrive at least 5 minutes before the topical group is set to start.
  • Your role is similar to that of the session chairs, however, topical groups are more informal. Presenters introduce themselves to each other, and may enter a conversation about possible connections/synergy between their work. Also, the topical group meeting functions as a way to get acquainted with the platform and check out the technology. 
  • Your most important tasks as a host are:
    • make sure that people joining the topical group feel welcome in the video room
    • say a few words at the beginning, e.g. introduce yourself and mention the titles of the parallel sessions of which contributors are invited to the topical group
    • assign turns making sure everyone present gets to introduce themselves
  • Please be aware that presenters of the morning parallel sessions need to upload their slides ~20 minutes before the session starts. This means that roughly the second half of the topical group meeting will probably be mostly devoted to sorting out practical and technical issues.

Attendance certificates

We are aware that some people require a certificate of attendance for administrative reasons. If you need this, then please send an e-mail to and we will attempt to process your request within two weeks after the symposium.